Welcome to my first blog. As I write this, I'm struggling with the idea of me actually doing this. This has been a long time in the works. But I'm no stranger to procrastination. As a matter of fact, WE are quite intimate...sexual if you will. But that is another blog. A good friend of mine has been encouraging me for a while to do this, but as you know .....procrastination always seems to rear it's evil little head. I actually managed to fit this in between R.O.O. and watching my soap operas. So here I go......
About an hour ago, I was ranting to my friend about the Arizona shootings. Now allow me to preface, my heart goes out to the survivors and the people who didn't survive. I know that this is a tragic time for our country and I being an individual who can be extremely sensitive on one hand and on the other hand brutally blunt. I am wondering when the talk about this tragedy is going to seize. I am sick and tired of hearing about it. Diane Sawyer is actually going to do a story on this woman's life and her astronaut husband. My friend said that there will have to be something news worthy that trumps this tragedy. Sad but true. I don't await the next new tragedy,but what about a juicy scandal. I need a juicy scandal to help me forget this. In all honesty, I really don't want to hear about Giffrords' life . She was a relatively unknown congresswoman who just happened to become the target of a mad man. I wouldn't wish that on anyone, but can I get a juicy scandal to help make things feel normal. She will get a book deal, Lifetime movie, interviews, all of the networks will jump through hoops to be the first in obtaining her interview . Oh I'm not jealous. Far from it. Just saddened that this moment in her life will never be private. She will never be able to lick her wounds and heal in private. She will have her 15 minutes of fame forced on her whether she wants it or not. She wasn't given an option even after the tragedy. No one stood up for her and said " Once she heals, she will make the decisions on how she handles all of the press and hoopla". Her husband should have been the person to speak for her because she couldn't. By the way...he was doing what he suppose to do...STAND BY HER. Not an act of heroism. I think that Gabrielle Gifford's is a very strong individual to overcome this tragedy...but there are other tragedies in our world that warrant the news coverage and press. I don't make light of this tragedy, it should have been given proper coverage, but in all honesty this is just another day that something goes wrong .. horribly wrong. Human life is cherished and yes her life is cherished and valuable.We will rebound from this tragedy rest assured.
This is a Bottom Named Reach Around and this is my view.
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